The Reprogramming Stress and Anxiety Cheat Sheet

Use my top 23 mindset shifts and lifestyle changes to stop stress and anxiety at the source without more meditation, prescriptions, or years in therapy.

The Upward Spiral Method

With this coaching program for passionate professionals you can understand and overcome the unreasonable stress, self-doubt, and second-guessing that's holding you back. Use the power of neuroscience to take control of stress, boost your motivation, and strengthen your focus.

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Dr. Korb is available for speaking engagements and workshops.

Practical Neuroscience Use the power of practical neuroscience to tune your brain for optimal performance. Recent discoveries in neuroscience have uncovered that it’s possible to alter your neurochemistry and neural activity through specific changes in your actions, interactions, thoughts and environment. Whether you aim to enhance your leadership abilities, increase your job satisfaction, or improve your productivity, taking advantage of the latest neuroscience research can help you get there.


Dr. Korb is available for speaking engagements and workshops on practical neuroscience.


Learn how the intricacies of your brain can ruin or enrich your life.


Cutting edge research and scientific consulting.

Personal Coaching

Use neuroscience to optimally tune your brain for productivity, connectivity and leadership.

Tragedy, Gratitude, and Guilt

Note: this story mentions suicide.

Seventeen years ago today, I

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The Easiest Way to Create an Upward Spiral With Your Body

Man walking

Have you been stuck sitting around your house too much during this pandemic? Me too. Though I suppose if you're one of those

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Why Your Brain Only Cares About People Who Look Like You

Black Arm with World Map

While Black History Month may be over, racism lives on. Racism is pervasive and toxic, and one thing that makes it so insidio

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